mouna lall makeup academy

Why You Should Choose Mouna Lall Makeup Academy for professional makeup courses?

Professional makeup and hairstyle expert in Delhi

Mouna has been a name synonymous with the makeup and hair industry for over two decades, her craft was honed with years of experience and learning herself. Like any good artist, Mouna too, wanted to share her knowledge with aspiring makeup artists. “By teaching, you learn much more than you can, when learning” she says, “I trained countless makeup artists throughout my life, I only formalised it when I opened the academy seven years ago”. opened the Makeup Academy in Delhi to offer high quality professional makeup courses in 2013, and since then the academy has churned out batch after batch of successful, confident makeup artists who have made great careers for themselves. So if you want to know why you should or could  choose Mouna Lall Makeup Academy, for furthering your career or just to sharpen your skills, or even as a hobby if you like: makeup is a relevant skill to know and is all round fun to be really honest.

  1. Success Speaks for Itself

Mouna’s students have found great success not only in makeup, but in cosmetology,

hair, film, print media, fashion, design, and some are huge celebrity makeup artists already! “Everyone who completes a course with ma’am, immediately gets a good job, before getting a great one” says Pallavi. “You don’t learn your skills, you earn them” says Mouna, and that shows in the success of her students.

  1. Learn Only from the Best, No One Else

Mouna’s makeup classes are taught by only, well you may have guessed, Mouna. You get who you ask for and nothing else. “I never want my students to be taught by anyone except me, it’s my name, so it should be my responsibility. I take great care of my syllabus and help every student individually”. Here, you will never be handed a pen or paper to make notes, it’s all craft and skill.

  1. Vast Course with Unlimited Application Potential

Makeup and hair is a highly specialised field and learning only a couple of techniques or particular strategies won’t cut it in the long run. What you need, is a complete set of basic and advanced skills, techniques that evolve, but more than that, improving your own ability to learn skills for yourself without a teacher, is what sets the specialists apart. Mouna shares style history, focuses on makeup evolution and improving technique. The aim is to get you to the point where you yourself can use the tools at your disposal, with the techniques you learn here, and then you may create your own unique identity as a markup artist or stylist. “Always remember that it’s very easy to copy makeup technique(s), and it can get you success, but without your own signature, your own impression upon the makeup game, you’ll never be the best you can.”

  1. Learn to Play with International Products

It’s one thing to use cheap products and get good results, and it’s totally different using great products for great results. Mac, Fenty, Dior, Lancôme, Estée Lauder, you name it and Mouna will definitely be teaching it. With her international experience and overall love for cosmetics, Mouna knows the ins and outs of the big game names in makeup, “every year a new product will come out in Paris, which will set the world aflame, and I have to have it then, not two years later when it’s available in India” she says, because in order to be reckoned with globally, you need the outlook and the know how to stay in front of the competition, always. Learn to use the best products during your professional makeup courses, from the best makeup artist of Delhi.

  1. Overall Development

Mouna’s academy is attached to her salon, which means the students are trained by her first, then they test their skills in live situations. This enables them to be more confident and comfortable with clients and their needs. Mouna explains “pressure is just not an option for an artist, you have to feel complete freedom when you create something, and if you don’t, it’s not art, it’s a commodity”. These live skills lay the foundations for students to become well rounded professionals who are prepared for the industry overall. “The best learning for me was everyday I would learn something from ma’am, and almost within an hour of that, I’d be trying it out on a staff member or fellow student, I know I goofed up but today I have no fear of making mistakes, because I know how to deal with them” says Rohit.

  1. Dedicated Teaching, in Very Small Batches for professional makeup courses

“I can’t train 10 people, I can’t reach out to them if we have 5 hours a day together. That’s why I only take 5 students maximum per batch.” Mouna really isn’t in it for capitalistic gains, she really means for her students to exceed their own expectations and excel as individuals in life. Art cannot be taught, and it definitely can’t be taught in makeup centres and the likes, you need someone to see every little mistake your hand is making, every extra shade you’ve applied, every line that appears, it’s professional makeup after all. Mouna has spent countless extra hours with those whom she feels require more care, attention, and she has spent the same time with those who don’t, because she makes sure that her students hold true to the skill and craft that she passes down to them.

So if you’re looking to learn the makeup game, learn it from Mouna Lall

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Mouna Lall Makeup Academy , Get your makeup done byBest Makeup Artist in Delhi


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