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Brush or Airbrush Makeup: Which is better for Wedding Makeup?

Airbrush makeup for bridal makeup in Delhi

I’m sure most of you have heard of airbrush makeup and brush makeup, clearly the names suggest that while a makeup brush is used for regular makeup, an “air” brush which aerosolises makeup and applies makeup in an almost spray like manner. And tell me who the hell dislikes makeup? I mean of course, it can be a hassle and all, but we all love the idea, at least. I’ve been a professional makeup artist for over three decades now and sometimes I miss the good old brush to face days, it seemed more like painting, but now it’s like spray painting or graffiti, all is art. So I’ll try and explain the basic differences between airbrush and regular makeup, with their advantages and disadvantages.

Remember, even if you aren’t familiar with any kind of makeup, god there’s no harm in trying it out in your bathroom. Play it cool in the room, and as you get better at it, you vMs suit makeup looks with occasions for and by yourself. You could go from glam to no-makeup and you wouldn’t even notice, but they definitely will! There’s so much to do work and experiment with each day. If you’re going to spend a nice comfy evening or getting page 3 dolled for a high profile event, there’s just too much to choose from. Even if it’s your own brand launch or big business meeting, you can equip yourself to look your best whenever you want to. This can help get you the look you want. Makeup is not covering your face and hiding your flaws, it’s about going forward with the freedom to experiment and enjoy yourself, feel glamorous; what is the harm in living a little! 

Brush Makeup

Ah yes! The old trusted tool for centuries really, from canvases of paper to dolling up queens and kings, this old brush is a tool mankind should be more than thankful for. And brushes are still our favourite, they don’t require much fuss, old school like that, can be carried anywhere anytime, all with almost no effort. In all honesty, the best way is to brush in short strokes, with light and steady hand movements which Intermix the various inputs ideally with no blotting. Go for brushes they have softer, thicker bristles as they are ideal for almost all skin and skin types. The advantages and disadvantages (if there’s anything called disadvantage of makeup) of brush makeup: 


  • Makeup has to has to, look natural, and that comes with proper mixing and merging of all makeup input. Brush makeup evens out and mixes really well, giving you a seamless look. 
  • Makeup brushes help in layering the face evenly and building a look that is natural.
  • In terms of spending, you won’t lose much money for some GOOD old brushes, and these old warriors have also advanced significantly tbh; your pockets will be yours after investing. 


  • At times you may find yourself struggling between getting ready for something in a hurry, and may have to answer your phone, a brush can be cumbersome to say the least, just imagine the scenes. But we women mange, that’s our superpower. 
  • In case you’re highly no no to germs, not going to say OCD, it’s derogatory, maybe the idea of a makeup brush lying around in a bag all the time might wake you up in the middle of the night, so that. But the golden rule is to keep clean, everything. 

So basically no cons for brush makeup if I’m being honest. 

Remember this thing about brushes, one size ain’t fitting all y’al. So, if you were thinking you’d only need THAT old brush lying in your drawer for years, all this time; hmmm no that’s not gonna happen. Here see this: 

  • A tapered foundation brush will provide snappy quick cover and unquestionably seamless natural blends. 
  • A kabuki brush is the star loose powder or blush applier. 
  • An angled contour brush is magic really, this mofo can give you cheekbones ffs!
  • A well crafted fan brush is what your highlighter needs, after you. 
  • For those damn eyes of yours, you gotta have a flat brush, which will make your eyeshadow pigmentation much better, an angular brush for colourful looks, and a blending brush for mixing it all up. 
  • Last, but not the least, a fine-tipped lip brush, which has defined lips for generations gone by, and yet to come.


Once upon a time, was used in and only by the film and modelling industries, airbrush makeup is available to everyone today, but the real use initially, was that the technique gave a natural, well integrated, clean, and define look on screen and in front of lights and cameras. What happens basically in airbrush makeup, a circular and forwards-backwards motion are used with a device called an airbrush makeup machine to apply the foundation first. Once the gun trigger is pulled back (yes the fun begins now), a soft awesome aerosolised coloured spray begins spraying the makeup, it’s facial graffiti to be honest. 


  • Airbrush makeup’s great success was mainly driven by the fact that the look and makeup can lasts all day, all night. 
  • The finish is almost going to be flawless; guaranteed. Great overall looks come with great finishing, with no edge left untouched. 
  • You only need very little to just a little product for application, and it still goes a long way, without betraying you. 

Disadvantages (again, if there are any) 

  • You need that professional hand if you ain’t got the skill, thing is that if not done well, airbrush can look like scare brush with the final look appearing flaky and well let’s leave it at that. 
  • For those of us who like to rug it and tough it out in the field all day long, or anything to do with the goddamn sun, the makeup can fall apart and blending it again can be tough to almost impossible. 
  • It’s expensive, pretty much more than old brush boys. This could sound alarms, but airbrush makeup is more expensive, but hey you have us here, you don’t need the airbrush all the time anyway. 

You can also learn about brushes and styles from our makeup artist course in Delhi


After reading about the two highly sought-after cosmetic processes, allow us to assist you in making a decision.

While airbrush makeup and brush makeup can both help you cover up your defects, brush makeup will leave you with a softer finish and be able to conceal even the smallest of imperfections, whereas airbrush makeup is unable to do so.
In contrast to airbrush makeup, which can have the opposite effect if applied incorrectly, brush makeup offers you a nearly translucent effect without letting your creases and cracks show.
Airbrush makeup would look flaky on brides with dry skin, but brush makeup is not only more affordable but also suited for all skin types.
In comparison to brush makeup, airbrush makeup is water resistant.
While airbrush makeup can make your face look flat, brush makeup highlights your characteristics!

It is always advisable to consult a professional makeup artist according to her expertise on the makeup style. If it is airbrush bridal makeup look, then make sure it doesn’t get heavy.

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